Sunday, 26 July 2015

African Canapés

Nina's Cookery Corner
Hello Readers, hope you are all doing well. It’s been a busy summer and exciting things have been happening at Nina’s Cookery Corner. I did my first huge wedding gig in Vienna Austria, preparing and displaying a selection of African canapés for over 400 guests. I am really proud and happy this project went well and got excellent feedback not only from the client but also from guests and the prestigious Austrian catering company that catered for the three course wedding dinner.

Below are some pictures from the event and some African style canapé options.
Some of the recipes for the canapé options can be found on my blog by following the link below.
Feast your eyes on the dishes and don’t forget to like share and comment.

Also, if you’re planning an event, dinner party and want the burden of cooking off your hands, why not let me be your super hero and cater to your needs. Enjoy reading try out the dishes and send me your feedback. Aprons on! 

Nina's Cookery Corner

Plain olehleh with spicy sauce

Nina's Cookery Corner
Gizzard stew and Plantain

Chicken Gizzard and Plantain. An NCC speciality
Nina's Cookery Corner

Akara and spicy garnished sauce.
Nina's Cookery Corner

Tasty Fish fritters that would make your tongue smile.

Nina's Cookery Corner
Fish Balls

Fishy Fishy Fish balls

Nina's Cookery Corner
Kibbeh with red pepper olive garnish

1 comment:

  1. Such a Very informative and amazing post Thank you for sharing ! then just Visit Here Canape Catering In Melbourne
